Computer Vision-Controlled Robot Arm

Python, OpenCV, Transforms


Goal: Use the PincherX 100 robot arm to autonomously grab a purple pen.



  1. Detect Location of the Purple Pen
    • First, I used the RGB image from an Intel RealSense camera to create an HSV mask that filtered out every color except purple.
  2. Identify Contour and Calculate Centroid
    • I added contours around the selected pixels and found the 2D coordinate of the centroid of the largest contour, which I assumed to be the pen.
  3. Align the Images
    • I then aligned the camera’s Depth Map with the RGB Image and found the pen’s 3D coordinates in the camera’s reference frame.
  4. Transform to Robot Frame
    • I converted these coordinates to be in the robot arm’s frame, given its 90° rotation and fixed offset.
  5. Command the End-Effector
    • Finally, I used the InterbotixManipulatorXS Python package to move the end-effector and gripper to the desired coordinate and position.