Category Path Planning

Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT)

Path Planning, Python, RRT

Category Python

Computer Vision-Based Basketball Coach

OpenCV, Python, Computer Vision, Object Tracking

Mobile Exploration Robot with Auxiliary Drone

ROS2, Embedded Systems, Multi-Robot System, Autonomous Flight

KUKA youBot Mobile Manipulation

Python, Robotic Manipulation, CoppeliaSim

Computer Vision-Controlled Robot Arm

Python, OpenCV, Transforms

Machine Learning Emotion Classification

Machine Learning, Python, Image Processing

Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT)

Path Planning, Python, RRT

Category RRT

Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT)

Path Planning, Python, RRT

Category Machine Learning

Machine Learning Emotion Classification

Machine Learning, Python, Image Processing

Category Image Processing

Machine Learning Emotion Classification

Machine Learning, Python, Image Processing

Category OpenCV

Computer Vision-Based Basketball Coach

OpenCV, Python, Computer Vision, Object Tracking

Computer Vision-Controlled Robot Arm

Python, OpenCV, Transforms

Category Transforms

Computer Vision-Controlled Robot Arm

Python, OpenCV, Transforms

Category ArduPilot

Unmanned Electric Race Boat

ArduPilot, Electronics, Autonomous Systems

Category Electronics

Unmanned Electric Race Boat

ArduPilot, Electronics, Autonomous Systems

Category Autonomous Systems

Unmanned Electric Race Boat

ArduPilot, Electronics, Autonomous Systems

Category Robotic Manipulation

KUKA youBot Mobile Manipulation

Python, Robotic Manipulation, CoppeliaSim

Category CoppeliaSim

KUKA youBot Mobile Manipulation

Python, Robotic Manipulation, CoppeliaSim

Category ROS2

Drone-Based Delivery System

ROS2, LoRa, Embedded Systems

Mobile Exploration Robot with Auxiliary Drone

ROS2, Embedded Systems, Multi-Robot System, Autonomous Flight

Extended Kalman Filter SLAM from Scratch

C++, ROS2, Unit Testing, CMake

Category MoveIt2

Category Motion Planning

Category C++

Extended Kalman Filter SLAM from Scratch

C++, ROS2, Unit Testing, CMake

Category Unit Testing

Extended Kalman Filter SLAM from Scratch

C++, ROS2, Unit Testing, CMake

Category CMake

Extended Kalman Filter SLAM from Scratch

C++, ROS2, Unit Testing, CMake

Category Embedded Systems

Drone-Based Delivery System

ROS2, LoRa, Embedded Systems

Mobile Exploration Robot with Auxiliary Drone

ROS2, Embedded Systems, Multi-Robot System, Autonomous Flight

Category Multi-Robot System

Mobile Exploration Robot with Auxiliary Drone

ROS2, Embedded Systems, Multi-Robot System, Autonomous Flight

Category Autonomous Flight

Mobile Exploration Robot with Auxiliary Drone

ROS2, Embedded Systems, Multi-Robot System, Autonomous Flight

Category Computer Vision

Computer Vision-Based Basketball Coach

OpenCV, Python, Computer Vision, Object Tracking

Category Object Tracking

Computer Vision-Based Basketball Coach

OpenCV, Python, Computer Vision, Object Tracking

Category ROS Noetic

Category Eigen

Category LoRa

Drone-Based Delivery System

ROS2, LoRa, Embedded Systems