EKF SLAM from Scratch (C++) [In Progress]

C++, ROS2, Unit Testing, CMake


Overview [In Progress]

This post will be completed soon.

I am currently implementing an Extended Kalman filter SLAM algorithm from scratch through several ROS2 packages and a custom C++ library.

GitHub: https://github.com/henryburon/ekf-slam-turtlebot

turtlelib is a C++ library for handling SE(2) math and other turtlebot-related calculations.
nusim is a ROS2 package that provides a simulated environment for the robots.
nuturtle_description is a ROS2 package that dispalys turtlebot3 models in RViz.
nuturtle_control controls the robot in simulation and the physical world.
nuslam implements EKF SLAM to estimate the robot’s pose.



Designed to facilitate geometric computations and two-dimensional rigid body transformations. Provided functionalities include:

  • Point, vector, and twist manipulation
  • SVG-based visualization
  • Operator overloading

All functions are tested using the Catch2 unit test framework.


ROS2 C++ node that provides a simulated environment for the robot. Launches RViz and displays walls, obstacles, and a single red robot. User can configure launch parameters in basic_world.yaml.


Builds turtlebot models with imported meshes in URDF; displays in RViz. Option to display all four models, or just one.

Launch with:

ros2 launch nuturtle_description load_one.launch.py

Future Work

This project is currently in progress. I will soon be finishing the EKF SLAM algorithm and implementing it on a robot in the physical world.